SRF and Devotee News


Dr Lewis Protege Haig Koobatian Memorial Tribute Video

Here is the link to the memorial tribute for Haig (& Bonnie). If you saw it at the SRF Sacramento memorial service reception, there is now the opportunity to press the pause button and look more closely at the group photos and others. Even if you did not know the Koobatians, some of the rare photos provide a chance to see how divine protection encircled Haig during his horrific experience as a WWII B-17 navigator. His experiences with Dr. Lewis and intuitive ability to offer healing through yoga postures & chiropractic treatment, are also covered. Bonnie's connection with SRF's first female ordained minister also gives a glimpse of some early years of SRF.

Since 1979, Haig & Bonnie were significant contributors to the Sacramento Mediation Group which subsequently became the Sacramento Center. A brief excerpt of a talk given by Haig about his experiences with Dr. Lewis is also included.

Jai Guru,

Information about SRF interfaith efforts in California (November, 2007)

Vivekananda's speech On YouTube, given in 1893 when he first came to America (September, 2007)

Convocation 2007 youth on patio area on YouTube

From Phil:
This video, which was filmed at Hollywood Temple, is an introduction to Self-Realization Fellowship courtesy of a site called SoulPancake (
Brahmachari Cormac, who is giving the lecture, mentions SoulPancake in his talk. I understand that the head of SRF Public Affairs was in attendance, as was Brother Anilananda, who assured everyone that the filming had been approved.